CALFIELD BUSINESS CENTER Calfield Business Center is a project completed for St. John Properties. PROJECT DESCRIPTION This one of many office, retail and flex buildi [...]
Good Harvest Market
cjengineering2019-02-05T17:04:25+00:00Good Harvest Market Good Harvest Market is one of the CJ Engineering Retail projects. PROJECT DESCRIPTION Provided complete civil engineering and land surveying servic [...]
Hwy 100 Commercial Center
cjengineering2019-02-05T17:08:22+00:00HWY 100 Hwy 100 Commercial Center is the redevelopment of the former automotive dealership. PROJECT DESCRIPTION This multi-parcel site was the redevelopment of the f [...]
Pilgrim Springs Marketplace
cjengineering2019-02-05T17:16:35+00:00Pilgrim Springs Marketplace Pilgrim Springs Marketplace is a multi-tenant retail strip center located on Silver Spring Drive and Pilgrim Road in the Village of Menomonee Fall [...]